
Sizzle-Proof Skin: 7 Easy Ways to Protect Your Kids’ Skin During the Summer

Summer can be a great time for parents and their kids to enjoy the outdoors, but the intense heat of the season can lead to skin problems. As a parent, you may worry about skin rashes, heat boils, irritations, and other summer heat-related skin problems. To help protect your kids’ skin during the summer, here are 7 health tips for kids and summer tips for parents to follow. With these tips, you can ensure that your children’s skin stays sizzle-proof even in the hottest months of the year!

1) Slather on sunscreen

As the weather gets warmer, it’s important to protect your child’s delicate skin from the harmful effects of the sun. One of the best ways to do this is by using sunscreen. However, not all sunscreens are created equal, so it’s important to talk to a reliable paediatrician to find out which one is best for their skin type and age.

When selecting a sunscreen, look for one with an SPF of at least 30 and broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. It’s also a good idea to choose a water-resistant sunscreen if your child will be swimming or sweating.

Make sure to apply sunscreen liberally and evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears, neck, arms, and legs. Apply it 15-30 minutes before going outside and reapply every 2 hours or more frequently if your child is playing in the pool or at the beach, or wiping off sweat often.

2) Wear appropriate summer clothes

As the temperature rises, it’s essential to ensure that your child’s clothing is appropriate for the season. To protect their skin from the sun, opt for light-coloured, loose-fitting, and lightweight clothing that covers as much skin as possible. 

Choose fabrics such as cotton or linen, as they’re breathable and allow the skin to breathe. We would also advise you to dress your child in a hat that covers their face and neck, and a pair of sunglasses to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays. 

Avoid dressing your child in tight or synthetic clothes that trap heat and sweat, which can cause skin irritations and rashes. Dressing appropriately will go a long way in preventing your child from getting sunburned or overheated, allowing them to enjoy the summer season without any skin issues.

3) Moisturise regularly

With our humid weather, this may seem unnecessary.  But, during summer, kids may experience dry skin due to the heat and exposure to sun rays. To prevent this, it’s important to keep your child’s skin hydrated by moisturising regularly. Choose a good quality, non-greasy moisturiser recommended by your paediatrician, and apply it on your child’s skin after a bath. 

Pay special attention to areas like elbows, knees, and heels, as they tend to get drier than other parts of the body. A good tip is to apply moisturiser at night, as it will allow it to seep in overnight and give your child’s skin an extra boost of hydration.

Remember, just like for adults, some moisturisers are better suited for certain skin types than others. To get the best advice on which moisturiser to use for your child’s skin, consult your paediatrician. They will be able to give you the best recommendation based on your child’s skin type and any allergies they may have. With regular moisturization, your child’s skin will stay soft, supple, and healthy throughout the summer.

4) Take cool showers or baths

Summer heat can leave kids feeling sticky and uncomfortable, but a refreshing cool shower or bath can do wonders for their skin. Make sure your child doesn’t stay in the water for too long, as this can dry out their skin and worsen any existing rashes or irritations.

When it comes to bath time, opt for mild, fragrance-free products to avoid any potential irritations. Your paediatrician may recommend a moisturising bath oil to keep your child’s skin hydrated and healthy.

For older kids who prefer showers, a gentle body wash with moisturising properties can help keep their skin feeling fresh and supple. Remind your child to avoid using hot water, as this can strip the skin of its natural oils.

By encouraging your child to take cool showers or baths, you’re not only helping them stay comfortable in the summer heat, but you’re also taking steps to protect their delicate skin.

5) Diaper rash prevention

Diaper rash can be a pesky and painful problem that many infants and toddlers experience during the summer months. The hot and humid weather, combined with sweat and urine, can irritate a baby’s delicate skin and cause a rash. But there are some simple steps that parents can take to prevent diaper rash from occurring.

First and foremost, make sure you are changing your baby’s diaper frequently. Leaving a wet or soiled diaper on for too long can increase the likelihood of diaper rash. Additionally, using a gentle and fragrance-free baby wipe or cloth to clean your baby’s bottom can also help prevent irritation.

Another tip for preventing diaper rash is to let your baby go diaper-free for short periods of time throughout the day. This allows their skin to breathe and can reduce the likelihood of rash. Just make sure to have a towel or bedsheet underneath them to catch any accidents!

If your baby does develop a diaper rash, it’s important to seek advice from a paediatrician. They can recommend the best treatment options, which may include a diaper cream or ointment, or prescription medication if the rash is severe.

6) Check for signs of dehydration

Dehydration can cause a variety of problems, such as headaches, dry mouth, fatigue, and dizziness. To avoid dehydration, encourage your child to drink water, sports drinks, or other fluids regularly. Offer frozen fruit pops, watermelon, or other hydrating snacks as an additional source of fluids.

If you suspect that your child is dehydrated, it’s essential to take action immediately. Signs of dehydration can include decreased urine output, dry skin, and a rapid heartbeat. 

If you notice any of these symptoms, get in touch with a paediatrician at the earliest. Our office is located in Prabha Devi, making it convenient for parents living in South Mumbai areas like Worli, Dadar, Lower  Parel, 

7) Be vigilant for signs of infection

During summer, your child’s skin is more vulnerable to infections due to the heat and sweat. Infections can manifest as blisters, boils, and pimples on the skin. It is crucial to be vigilant for these signs and take prompt action.

If you notice any unusual growth, swelling, or pain on your child’s skin, consult a dermatologist or paediatrician immediately. Some common skin infections that can affect kids during summer are ringworm, impetigo, and folliculitis.

Teach your child about the importance of personal hygiene and encourage them to wash their hands frequently, especially after playing outdoors or using public restrooms. Keeping the skin clean and dry can prevent the growth and spread of bacteria and fungi.


Summertime is all about enjoying the great outdoors and spending time with loved ones. As you embark on your summer adventures, don’t forget to keep your kids’ skin safe from the sun’s harmful rays. Remember to be proactive, keep a close eye on their skin, and take action immediately if you notice any signs of irritation or infection. With a little bit of care and attention, you can make this summer a safe and happy one for your family.

If your little one is experiencing any summer-related health issues, feel free to contact us. Book an appointment, and our team will provide you with the right advice based on our assessment guidelines and your lifestyle preferences.

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