
7 Myths about New Born Care in India

When it comes to newborn care in India, there are many myths that have been passed down through generations. These misconceptions can lead to confusion and even harm to an infant, so it’s important to know the truth behind the myths. 

In this article, we’ll be looking at 7 of the most common myths about newborn care in India, and providing the facts to help parents make the best decisions for their little one.

1) Myth #1: Newborns should only have mother’s milk

Newborn babies should have breastmilk as their main source of nourishment during the first six months of life. Breastmilk contains essential nutrients, immunologic factors and other bioactive substances which are not present in formula milk. It helps protect against illness, allergies and other ailments. 

While formula milk can be given if a mother is unable to breastfeed, it cannot match up to the health benefits of breast milk. However, if due to some reason you are not able to feed your baby, you will be told to give formula milk to your baby. 

It’s important to remember that the key to a healthy and happy baby is the right nutrition, whether it comes from breast milk or formula. Talk to us for lactation counseling and guidance that’s right for your newborn. 

2) Myth #2: Kajal to protect the newborn from the evil eye

One of the most popular myths surrounding newborn care in India is the belief that applying kajal to a baby’s eyes will protect it from the evil eye. 

While it is understandable that parents may want to take every step necessary to ensure their child’s safety, kajal has no proven effects on protection against the evil eye. In fact, many doctors advise against using kajal or any other cosmetic products on a newborn’s skin as they may contain harmful chemicals and irritants. 

Instead, it is best to focus on other methods of protecting your baby from potential dangers such as ensuring that their vaccinations are up-to-date and creating a safe sleeping environment.

3) Myth #3: You and your baby shouldn’t leave the house for the first 40 days

Contrary to popular belief, newborn care doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your baby should stay indoors for the first 40 days. Although it is important to protect your baby from germs, bacteria and other potential illnesses, keeping them cooped up indoors can actually be harmful. A clean, well-lit and properly ventilated room is important for newborn care, but leaving the house for short periods of time can also be beneficial. 

Taking a short walk around your neighborhood or even visiting the park with your baby can help with their development and aid in the stimulation of their senses. If the infant is not suffering from any communicable diseases, visitors can be welcomed as long as they take necessary precautions such as handwashing before interacting with the newborn. 

Ultimately, newborn care is about striking a balance between protecting your baby from potential illnesses and giving them the opportunity to explore their environment safely.

4) Myth #4: You need to bathe your baby every day

Many new parents in India may be under the impression that their newborn needs a bath every day, but this is not the case. In reality, newborns do not need to be bathed daily and in fact, bathing them too often can strip them of essential oils which can lead to dry and irritated skin. 

We recommend that you bathe your newborn three times a week, or more often if they have particularly sensitive skin. Be sure to use warm water and mild baby soap, followed by a light moisturizing lotion to help keep their skin hydrated and soft. When drying off your newborn after a bath, be sure to pat gently, as rubbing can be irritating to their delicate skin.

It’s important to remember that proper newborn care includes more than just bathing your little one. As any parent knows, frequent diaper changes, umbilical cord care, swaddling and other basic hygiene practices are also important. Ultimately, each baby is different and it’s up to you to find the best routine for your newborn that works for both of you!

5) Myth #5: Massaging your baby is an age-old tradition 

Massaging your baby is an age-old tradition in India and is considered to be an important part of newborn care. It has long been believed that massaging your baby has numerous benefits, such as helping to strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. It is also thought to help soothe and relax the baby. 

Although it is true that massaging your baby can have positive effects, there are also some myths about massaging your newborn that has been circulating for some time. One of these myths is that baby massage can be done any time or day, but this is not the case. Massaging your baby too often or too vigorously can actually be dangerous, so it’s best to consult your paediatrician before beginning a baby massage routine. 

It is also a myth that baby massage should be done using oil or lotion. Massaging your baby can actually be done without oil or lotion, as long as you are using gentle, circular motions with your fingertips. This can be especially helpful for newborns who may have sensitive skin. 

Overall, baby massage can be a great addition to your newborn care routine, but it’s important to understand the myths associated with it before getting started. Make sure to consult your doctor before beginning a baby massage routine, and always use gentle, circular motions when massaging your little one. Read more about the benefits of massaging your baby.

6) Myth #6: You shouldn’t pick up your baby too much

In India and in some other countries too, there is a pervasive myth that picking up a newborn baby too much will make them too clingy or dependent. This could not be further from the truth! Babies benefit from being held, especially in the early months of their life.

Cradling and snuggling your baby helps promote healthy emotional attachment between you and your little one. Physical contact also helps with bonding, comforting, and soothing your baby. Plus, it gives you both a chance to simply enjoy one another’s company.

When holding your baby, make sure to support their neck and head as you carry them. You can do this by cradling their head in one hand and supporting their neck and back with the other. This way, your baby is comfortable and secure while in your arms.

So don’t be afraid to pick up your baby as often as you like. It’s a great way to nurture and build your bond with them.

7) Myth #7: You need to give your baby a pacifier

Although pacifiers have become increasingly popular in recent years, they are not necessary for newborn care. In fact, some experts believe that pacifiers can interfere with the breastfeeding process and lead to early weaning of the infant. Additionally, pacifiers can increase the risk of ear infections and dental problems, as well as make it more difficult for the baby to learn how to self-soothe. 

It’s important to remember that every baby is different, and some parents may find that their baby needs a pacifier in order to soothe them. However, there is no evidence that suggests that pacifiers are necessary for newborn care.


It’s important to keep in mind that not all of the information you hear about newborn care in our Indian culture is true. There are a variety of myths and misconceptions about how best to care for a newborn, but it’s important to remember that each child is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. 

Having a baby is an exciting experience, and it’s important to do your research and consult your paediatrician to get the best advice about how to provide your baby with the best possible care. By taking the time to understand the facts and dispel the myths, you can ensure that you are providing your baby with the best possible start in life.

If you are located in the areas of Prabhadevi, Lower parel, Worli and Dadar, and looking for a reliable paediatrician in Mumbai, get in touch with our office and book an appointment. We welcome the opportunity to meet you and your little and provide you with the right information for newborn care