
The A-B-C-D of ADHD

Ever seen your child getting super distracted? Doing various tasks at once without doing any of them properly. Turns out you are not alone and there is a certain disorder associated with it.

Welcome to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or commonly known as ADHD. It is a condition that affects millions of children and continues into adulthood.

It is an amalgamation of symptoms like inattentiveness or sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and being super impulsive. Adults do suffer from this disorder but the seeds are sown in childhood itself. Here are some of the signs to notice from early childhood in case your child is suffering from ADHD


Can’t pay attention

A child with ADHD is prone to making careless mistakes in school and failing to pay attention to details. They tend to avoid or dislike certain tasks, which require a lot of mental effort. They also tend to get distracted from activities that require concentration. These children also tend to avoid direct contact and lose things necessary for tasks or activities, such as school supplies, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, and cell phones. Be easily distracted by unrelated thoughts or stimuli. Managing time, meeting deadlines is an everyday struggle

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

A child suffering from this disorder is in constant motion and keeps fidgeting with things and squirming while sitting. At times they talk a lot sometimes to themselves also.

They are more prone to risky behaviour and find it difficult to wait for their turn

Notice that they interrupt conversations or disturb others during activities. As mentioned above the main symptom is hyperactivity and a poor attention span. This makes them different from their peer groups and makes it difficult for them to function at home, school, or with friends thus leading to low self-esteem. It’s more prevalent in boys than in girls.

What are the possible causes of this Disorder

ADHD is a neurological condition whose causes and symptoms at times may be dependent on the child’s environment. The cause and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but current research shows that genetics plays an important role.

We can list the causes as:

  • Brain injury or  A lower level of activity in the parts of the brain that control attention and activity level may be associated with ADHD
  • Genetics or Hereditary features – A child suffering from ADHD has a 25% chance of one of the parents being ADHD. It’s likely to have another family member or a sibling also with ADHD
  • Premature or underweight babies are more likely to suffer from this particular disorder
  • Prenatal exposure to various toxins like alcohol, nicotine, etc.
  • Harmful toxins in the environment these days are contributing to this disorder as well


The best treatment for ADHD is the combination of medication, behavioural therapy, counselling sessions, and special education services. Though they do not guarantee a cure, they can relieve the symptoms of ADHD.

Rules. Regulations. Routines. Therapy
Parents and preceptors can help kiddies with ADHD by ensuring a routine and a schedule. Keep the same routine every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Include times for schoolwork, out-of-door play, and inner conditioning. Keep the schedule on the refrigerator or a bulletin board. Write changes on the schedule as far in advance as possible. Organizing everyday particulars. Have a place for everything, like clothes, books, toys, etc, and keep everything in its place.

Use schoolwork and tablet organizers for academy material and inventories. Stress to your child the significance of writing down assignments and bringing home necessary books. Tell them that they have to be clear-headed in their thought process and harmonious towards their friends, peers, and environment. Giving praise or prices when rules are followed.

Raise ‘em. Praise ‘em

Children with ADHD frequently admit and anticipate review. Look for a good gesture and praise it. Give them incentives or motivation for their goals and see them excel in their field. Good treatment plans will include close monitoring, follow-ups, and making changes, if needed, along the way.

Seeking professional help?

ADHD can have several complications and implications but we are here to help you get the best medical advice and solutions. Get in touch with us at Care For Your Child