
The Importance of Regular Health Check-Ups for Your Newborn

Babies are delicate and are at the earliest stages of their growth and development. While your baby looks perfectly fine, and things seem to go well,  you also need to ensure that you are on track to keeping your little one healthy, and growing well. Some tests and routine checkups for your newborn may seem trivial. But let’s face it, parents can’t google it all and seeing a paediatrician is the best way to get the right information about your infant’s health. In this article, we talk about why it’s necessary for parents to take the health of their newborn seriously, and what they can expect as part of the routine checkups. 

Why Regular Health Check-Ups are Crucial for Newborns

Regular health check-ups for newborns are essential to give you, parents, the confidence that your baby is healthy and developing as expected. There are many benefits of routine check-ups for infants including early detection and preventive care. 

  1. During check-ups, your baby’s height and weight will be measured to ensure they are growing properly. Additionally, the doctor will ask about your family’s medical history, which may impact your baby’s health.
  2. Check-ups also allow the doctor to track key milestones in your baby’s development. These milestones include your baby’s first smile, first words, and crawling. Tracking these milestones helps to determine if your baby is developing on schedule. 
  3. Regular check-ups help you keep up with your baby’s vaccinations. Vaccinations are essential for protecting your baby against dangerous diseases, and the doctor will ensure that your baby receives the necessary shots at the right time. (We cover more in a bit).
  4. Check-ups also give the doctor an opportunity to follow up on any complications or concerns from the previous visit. If there are any issues, the doctor can catch them early and address them before they become more severe.

As a parent, it’s important not to shy away from voicing any concerns or questions you may have about your baby, no matter how trivial it may seem. Your doctor is there to support and guide you and your baby through this critical period of growth and development. So, be sure to keep up with regular check-ups to give your baby the best possible start in life. Book an appointment in our clinic located in Prabhadevi for the right guidance and assessments. 

Tracking Key Milestones in Development

As mentioned earlier, regular health check-ups for infants provide parents with the opportunity to track key milestones in their baby’s development. Here are some examples of milestones that mark important achievements in a baby’s growth and development.

At 1 month, babies can lift their heads and may be able to smile. This is a significant milestone as it demonstrates that the baby is beginning to develop their neck and upper body strength, which is necessary for further development.

At 2 months, babies can hold their heads up and may be able to laugh. This is a crucial milestone as it signifies that the baby is starting to develop their core strength, which is necessary for further physical development.

At 3 months, babies can roll over and may be able to recognize familiar faces. This is an important milestone as it demonstrates that the baby is developing their motor skills and cognitive abilities.

At 4 months, babies can sit up with support and may be able to babble. This milestone shows that the baby is continuing to develop their physical and communication skills, which are essential for their overall growth and development.

At 5 months, babies can hold objects and may be able to respond to their name. This milestone indicates that the baby is becoming more independent and is developing their sensory and cognitive abilities.

It’s important to remember that all babies are not the same, and some may take more time to reach their milestones. Therefore, tracking these key milestones allows parents to identify any developmental delays or concerns early on (if any), which can greatly benefit the baby’s long-term health and development. If you are looking for a healthcare provider who offers thorough newborn health check-ups in Mumbai, please get in touch with our office located in Prabha Devi. 

The Significance of Vaccinations

Many parents try to avoid vaccinations, thinking that they can avoid health issues simply by maintaining good hygiene or taking health precautions at home. However, vaccines offer more than basic health protection. They protect your newborn from serious diseases and illnesses, by triggering the immune system to produce antibodies, which then provide immunity against specific diseases.

Vaccinations are especially crucial for infants, whose immune systems are not fully developed and are therefore more susceptible to infections. The recommended schedule for vaccinations starts at birth and continues through childhood.

Some of the diseases that vaccines protect against include measles, polio, whooping cough, and hepatitis B. By receiving vaccinations, your newborn can be protected from these and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.

It’s important to note that vaccines not only protect your child but also help to prevent the spread of disease within your community. This is because when more people are vaccinated, the overall spread of disease is reduced, making it less likely for an outbreak to occur. To get a better understanding of the recommended vaccinations, feel free to visit our clinic by appointment

Recommended Healthcare Schedule for Newborns

The following schedule is usually followed as soon as a baby is born. For further clarification, please schedule an appointment with our experienced doctors.

  1. A physical examination of the baby is usually carried out shortly after birth, followed by two tests to check the baby’s hearing – OAE and ABR. A blood sample is also taken to test for sickle-cell disease and other inherited disorders.
  2. Shortly after birth, the baby will receive the hepatitis B shot. At the 2-week check-up, the baby’s weight will be measured and plotted on a growth chart to track their growth progress. The following vaccinations and shots will also be given at the 2-week check-up: Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV, and HPV.
  3. Screening tests are also conducted at the 2-week check-up to identify any potential health problems. The doctor will ask questions about the baby’s behaviour and provide guidance on how to care for the baby’s specific needs.
  4. The BCG vaccine and the first dose of OPV are also given at the 2-week check-up to prevent tuberculosis and polio respectively. 

By following this recommended healthcare schedule for newborns, parents can ensure that their child receives the best care possible, and that any potential health issues are detected and treated early on.

The benefits of routine check-ups for infants cannot be overstated. Regular check-ups enable healthcare providers to monitor the baby’s growth and development, identify any health concerns, and provide timely preventive care. This early detection and preventive care can lead to better health outcomes for the baby in the long run. So, if you are a new parent, make sure to schedule regular check-ups for your little one to ensure their health and wellbeing.