Child Care During COVID

Child Care During COVID

Children have had a hard time adjusting during the pandemic. There’s no school to attend and exercise their minds, hardly any interaction with those within their age group and they’re locked up at home. Apart from figuring out ways to keep them occupied, it’s important to keep an eye on their health – physical and mental.

The physical health check is easier. First, exercise normal precautions like washing hands with soap and water on a regular basis. Dry with a towel and then disinfect with an alcohol-based sanitiser. Keep in mind that it’s also important to keep the towels dry. If you’re not comfortable with paper towels, then ensure that the hand towels are changed at least once a day and left out to dry.


Your child’s mental health is as important. It’s not unusual for them to get anxious and isolated. But, they don’t know how to recognise these symptoms themselves or voice out concerns. So here’s what you can do.

Keep them informed about the situation. Bring them up to date with the pandemic, but don’t dwell too much on deaths and other related information. They’re curious and they will be paying attention to the news on television, your conversations at home and over the phon etc.

Listen to them when they want to express themselves. In fact, encourage them to talk about feelings, so that you know when they’re feeling sad, lonely or anxious. If that’s the case, set up a video call with a friend or classmate. You can even play a boardgame or teach them about something new. Giving them new and fun information to absorb is always a good solution.

Be a good role model.Follow pandemic specific rules and encourage your children to do the same.Children above 2 years of age should wear mask on face while going out. However,while engaging in strenuous physical activity mask should be removed and social distancing should be practiced.

If unfortunately anyone in you child’s contact or your child himself contracts COVID keep your pediatrician in the loop through video consult.Avoid self medication.