

Painless vaccination

Painless vaccines are those that contain only some of the cellular material or fewer antigens than the painful vaccines that contain complete cells. Make no mistake, painless vaccines are as effective as the ones with complete cells. They’re designed to be used for children. Whether for flu, diarrhoea, brain fever etc or any other issues, all vaccines are available at the clinic, including the pneumococcal vaccine, which combats pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. We also stock the influenza vaccine.

Newborn health monitoring

In today’s healthcare scenario, modern technology has made it possible to have a far better understanding of neonatal care than before. Using this technology and knowledge gained over a decade of hands on experience, your child’s health will be monitored right from birth. We will be able to detect any illnesses or disorders and work on solutions for the same.

Lactation consultation

Another important aspect of neonatal care is breastfeeding. A lactation consultant helps you understand the different aspects of breastfeeding. Learn important tips, like how skin-to-skin contact facilitates breastfeeding, how to position your baby so that feeding is comfortable. We also advise you on complementary feeding, where we add other liquids and foods along with breast milk, to ensure that your baby gets the nutrition it needs to grow at this delicate stage.

Growth monitoring

Growth monitoring for children is important. Growing too slowly is just as concerning as growing too fast and may indicate some sort of nutritional deficiency or another health-related problem. Factors like height, weight, head circumference etc are taken into consideration. We work with growth charts to monitor your child.

Complementary feeding

After a time, breast milk isn’t enough to meet the nutrient and energy needs of an infant. This is where complementary feeding is important. We will be monitoring the infant’s growth and health and will proceed to work with you to wean the child and introduce a better suited feeding regime.

Diet advice and counselling

Partly related to growth monitoring, dietary counselling is an integral aspect of treating malnutrition and other related illnesses. Whether it’s feeding difficulties, digestive disorders, food allergies or picky eating, they can be taken care of. Growth charts help track your child’s progress. We also pay close attention to micronutrient deficiencies and work with you on maintaining the proper diet while pregnant and then later also work to ensure that the baby gets the micronutrients that are important for robust growth.

Child blood sampling

Child blood sampling is important in order to track the overall growth of the child. Blood sampling helps track and detect disease and disorders, as well as nutritional imbalances.

Common growth and health monitoring

We also offer monitoring and treatment of common growth and health related issues from birth to 18 years, fitness and health certification. We test for illnesses when required, look for danger signs in diarrhoea, scan respiratory issues and maintain your medical history. With these tests, we can work to first prevent, and then detect issues and ailments in their infancy, treating them with the utmost skill and precision.