
7 Tips for New Mums to Recover from Postpartum

The birth of your baby can be one of the most exciting moments in your life, but it’s also one of the most difficult times physically and emotionally. Postpartum, or the time right after you give birth, can make new mums feel exhausted, emotional, and overwhelmed by the demands of parenthood (sleep deprivation is only one of many reasons why new parents suffer from mental fatigue). 

If you have recently given birth to your baby and are looking for ways to recover from postpartum, here are seven tips that will help you regain your energy and feel good again in no time!

1) Understand how you feel

After you have a baby, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions. You might feel elated one minute and then weepy the next. These mood swings are due in part to the sudden drop in hormones your body experiences after childbirth. You might also feel overwhelmed, especially if you’re caring for a newborn and haven’t had much sleep. It’s important to understand that these feelings are normal and will eventually pass. It is important to be aware of these emotions and remember they are normal. 

2) Have a positive attitude

A positive attitude is essential for a speedy recovery. You’re going to be sore, you’re going to be tired, and you’re going to want to give up at times. But if you can keep a positive outlook, you’ll push through and come out the other side stronger than ever.  Don’t forget about yourself: Your self-care is just as important as your baby’s. Don’t neglect your own needs in favour of their care. Seek support: Find friends or family members who are willing to lend a hand with child care so that you can take time for yourself.

3) Get enough sleep

One of the best things you can do for your postpartum recovery is to get enough sleep. This can be difficult with a new baby, but it’s important to try to get at least six hours of sleep per night. Consider taking turns with your partner or family member to care for the baby so you can get some rest.

There are plenty of good reasons to get enough sleep. For starters, you can better deal with postpartum depression and anxiety, as lack of sleep can increase feelings of sadness and stress. Also, it can make your caregiving responsibilities more difficult, especially if you’re looking after a newborn who has trouble sleeping. Plus it’s just plain good for your health—not getting enough sleep increases your risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, among other conditions.

4) Exercise regularly

Exercise is important for helping your body recover from pregnancy and childbirth. It can also help improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce stress. 

Walking around the complex with your baby in a stroller is a great way to get some exercise.  Walk at a brisk pace so that you’re slightly out of breath when you return home. Park farther away at the mall or grocery store and take stairs instead of escalators. Join a postnatal exercise class such as Pilates or Yoga to make it more social or go on walks outside with friends who have babies of similar age. Exercise also boosts endorphins which will make you feel happier.

5) Eat balanced meals

Eating balanced meals is important for new mums to help their bodies recover from postpartum. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of caffeine. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. If you make sure to eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water, you’ll be able to produce more breast milk. 

Many moms worry about their breast milk supply, and by taking care of your own body you’ll help make sure that you stay healthy and your baby stays healthy too. 

6) Try natural home remedies

Something as simple as a warm bath can help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Before bath time, try body massages with Sesame oil (til ka tel), Coconut oil (nariyal ka tel) and Olive oil (jaitoon ka tel). In India, the tummy is bound with a cotton sari or cloth after bathing to help push the uterus back and keep it in place. The practice helps get rid of stomach gas as well. Belly binding may help you to achieve a healthy posture while breastfeeding, pull back the stomach muscles, reposition the womb, and reduce stretch marks.

7) Consult health care professionals if needed

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or like you’re not coping, it’s important to reach out to your GP, obstetrician, or postnatal care provider. They can help you understand what’s going on and offer advice and support.

We offer postpartum care plans for new mums and encourage you to get in touch with us for immediate help and recovery.